Celebrating the importance of Oracy – No Pens Wednesday

Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed celebrating talk-based learning and Oracy on No Pens Wednesday.

The day started with an assembly which reaffirmed some key active listening and skilled speaking skills. Year 5 were keen to put these skills to use and discuss some thought-provoking questions. Using their talking mats, they debated questions such as, ‘If you ran a school for adults, what would you teach them’ and ‘If you made the cake, should you get the biggest slice?’.

In maths, the children looked at Da Vinci’s Vitruvian man. They discussed the idea of ‘perfect human body dimensions’ and how this can help artists and designers in their jobs. The classes then had the opportunity to measure different parts of their bodies, to test if they were in proportion with other parts. For example, whether the distance from their wrist to their elbow was the same length as their foot and whether their ear s was a third of the size of their face.

In the afternoon, Year 5 continued with their art unit on David Hockney. They looked at his ‘joiners’ - picture collages, which aim to show the passage of time and a number of different perspectives. They cut out sections of landscape pictures and stuck them down, so they were overlapping. These looked really effective and the class look forward to sharing them at their Hockney Showcase.