Be inspired - celebrating difference through basketball

In the first week back at school, Year 1 received a visit from a very special guest. Paul Sturgess, a professional basketball player, came to visit the children at Talbot Primary School and delivered an assembly about his life and career, before running basketball workshops for each year group.

In the assembly, Paul told the children all about his time playing basketball in America for the Harlem Globetrotters; he showed videos of his amazing basketball skills and some of the awards he has won for being the tallest professional basketball player ever. Paul was very inspiring and told the children how he used to feel worried about being different from everyone else, however, he gradually learnt that being different is positive, and it helped him be successful and win his awards.

In the basketball workshop, Paul helped the children to work as a team in different games, and je showed the children some amazing basketball tricks. Perhaps some of them will be inspired to follow this sport, which is incredibly popular.

Year 1 loved meeting Paul and they even got a signed photograph of him to take home.