Science and classification - a visit to Tropical World

In the Spring term, Year One learnt about animal groups and how to classify them; they then went on a trip to Tropical World to see all the different types of animal that they have there.

During the trip, the children found lots of different and interesting examples of mammals, fish, amphibians, reptiles and insects. It was incredible to see the differences in these creatures, that they had learnt about in the classroom. The children realised it was usually possible to classify unfamiliar animals by using certain rules.

Year 1 also took part in a workshop, where they investigated different animal types further. They looked at skeletons of different animals and learned about the differences between them. Some of the children even dressed up as animals, like meerkats and chameleons to help demonstrate different body parts and what animals used them for.

At the end of our visit, the children were gifted a goody bag and an ice lolly. Year 1 learned lots on their trip to Tropical World, and had lots of fun too, making it more memorable.  In future years at Talbot, the children will learn even more about animal classification and about some of the more unusual species which are particularly hard to classify.