Belonging to a community – a strand of the PSHE curriculum

Year 2’s Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) assemblies, in the Autumn term, included the topic of ‘identity, society and democracy’

During this unit, Year 2 explored what a community is, thought about which communities they belong to, how they contribute to these communities and the responsibilities they have within the different communities they are a part of.

The topic provided lots of opportunities for discussion and reflection, with the children thinking carefully about their communities and their roles within them. The children also thought about how they might support others in different communities. Ideas - such as supporting others with their learning, helping to keep the classrooms clean and demonstrating courage and respect - were all ways in which they felt they could support others.

In one PSHE assembly, the children recognised and shared some of the different communities they belong to. The children then designed a shield to show this range of communities. The final designs included their family, Talbot Primary School, swimming clubs, Brownies, Scouts, gymnastics and often the religious communities they are part of.

It was wonderful to observe the discussions, with the children; they were able to respectfully questioning their peers to learn more about their different communities.