Celebrating World Book Day 2024 – through graphic novels

In March, Talbot Primary School celebrated World Book Day 2024, and the children and staff dressed up as their favourite book characters.

One the particular themes for this year’s World Book Day was graphic novels. Year 2 shared a range of these exciting books with their partners, and they had fun reading them. The graphic novel “egg” was one of their favourites. After reading a wide range of graphic novels, the children understood more about them, and were able to start thinking what they would like to include in their own versions.

Year 2 based their graphic novels on a superhero identify, that they created. Then, the children used a whiteboard to story board their ideas, before translating them into bright and colourful images in their own graphic novels. They added speech bubbles and captions to tell more of the story too.

Finally, the children worked together to create a storage box for their amazing graphic novels, so that they could share them with one another and enjoy reading them again and again.