Connected Curriculum: appreciating our local area

In their History lessons, Year 2 learnt about the significance of Arthur France within the local community. They learnt how his determination and enthusiasm led to his creation of the Leeds West-Indian Carnival, and how this has had a significant, positive impact for the culture and community understanding in North Leeds.

Next, in a sequence of Design Technology lessons, pupils enthusiastically designed their own creative and colourful headdresses. These headdresses incorporated a wide range of crafting materials, such as sequins, feathers, pipe-cleaners and pom-poms.  The final pieces were vibrant and fitting for any carnival.

Finally, the headdresses were expertly modelled by the children during our Year 2 curriculum showcase for parents and carers. This allowed the families of the children to have a greater insight into what the children were learning, and it gave the pupils themselves an opportunity to explain what they had done in their own words, which also helps to consolidate the learning.