Science – dentists visit to Reception

In Reception, the children were visited by two lovely dentists, called Jaime and Laura, from Street Lane Dental Practice. They talked about the children why the children need to look after their teeth and what their teeth might look like if they did not brush them.

The dentists asked the classes if they knew what their teeth are used for, and the children were amazed to discover that they don’t just help people eat their food. Reception found out that their teeth are used for eating, talking, and smiling! The dentists also told the children that one of the jobs of milk teeth is to help to keep space for adult teeth; when the adult teeth are ready to grow through the gums, the milk teeth fall out. In Reception, some children have already begun to lose some of their milk teeth, so they found this particularly interesting.

Finally, the children were shown how to brush their teeth properly. The toothbrush should brush at the point where the tooth meets the gum, at the front, and the toothbrush should be moved side to side. Next, people should brush the backs of their teeth, again where the tooth meets the gum. Jaime and Laura told everyone that they need to spit out the bubbles at the end, but resist rinsing their mouths out with water. This is because, the tooth paste is helps protect teeth and needs to stay on them.