Scientific learning – growing and changing

During the summer months, the children have been learning all about ‘change’. They have talked about how they have changed since being a baby, by looking closely at photographs of themselves at different stages of their lives. The photographs led to interesting conversations about changes in their hair and clothes for example, as well as learning how to walk and talk.

To compliment this learning, the children welcomed some caterpillars into nursery. After sharing one of our Early Years reading spine stories ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’, we talked about how to look after our caterpillars before they turned into butterflies. The children were very interested in the changes that happened to the caterpillars as they grew, changed and eventually became butterflies, when they could be released into the wild.

In addition to the butterflies, the children also observed changes in the garden; they were very excited to see the seeds they had planted in the spring start to grow. To help them further understand this process, they took part in a yoga session called ‘Flower Power’, which took them through a visualisation of a seed growing into a flower.