Governing Board

The Governing Board has a strategic role and three core functions:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  2. Holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and the performance management of staff
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

Talbot Primary will provide a safe and caring environment where the school values of ‘Courage, Truth and Loyalty’ translate into meaningful characteristics so our children embrace challenge, build confidence, work hard and enjoy success, both independently and alongside their peers. 

We continue to build on our many strengths and enhance our capacity. As a school we aim to be outstanding so all children achieve their potential and where race, gender, disability and additional educational needs are embraced.

As a Governing Board we will achieve this by:

  • Drawing upon the diverse community in which it is based. We remain ever perceptive to the needs of our community and its demographics and take pride in ensuring that the staff, children and parents/carers always aim for the highest possible standard for all our learners, regardless of their starting points
  • Celebrating the schools understanding and knowledge of each individual child to ensure an excellent level of both academic and personal development
  • Providing solid foundations for all our children and empower them with the skills that will enable them to manage the complexities of modern life
  • Securing excellent teaching and learning and fostering highly effective learning behaviours amongst all our children
  • Continuing a proud balance between academic excellence and creative experiences through our wide range of extra-curricular opportunities
  • Working in partnership and collaboration with all our parents and carers and schools in Leeds
  • Listening, learning and sharing skills and knowledge for the benefit of all. 


Who makes up the Governing Board?

The Governing Board comprises:

  • the Headteacher
  • one other member of staff
  • three elected parent governors
  • one LA representative
  • six community governors (invited on to the Governing Board by governors because of their particular skills, background or interest in the school).  

Other associate members attend meetings at the invitation of the Governing Board they have voting rights at sub-committee level for the specific committee/s they take part in but do not have voting rights at full Governing Board meetings.

Current governors are listed here in addition to their attendance and a short pen-portrait of their role. Our current Chair of Governors is Jimmy Parvin.  He can be contacted via the school.  Please send any written communication c/o the school address or direct to .


How does the Governing Board work?

The Governing Board works very closely with the Headteacher and the Leadership team of the school to ensure that the school's vision, ethos and aims are at the heart school improvement and actions.  They are robust in their support and challenge to the school and seek to monitor and verify the impact of actions in a variety of ways.  This accountability and challenge is fulfilled through:

  • Direct accountability and questioning through sub-committees and the Full Governing Board meetings throughout the year
  • Meetings with leaders and staff within the school to promote two-way dialogue and the evaluation of actions
  • Listening to a cross section of staff and pupil voice to assess and review the impact of school improvement

Much of the work of the Governing Board is done at committee level.  The Full Governing Board and sub-committees meet five times a year.  The committees are:

  • School Improvement Committee
  • Resources Committee

These committees ensure that the Governing Board fulfils its duties of: monitoring, support and challenge for the school.  To understand in more detail how each of the sub-committees and the Full Governing Board meet these duties, please see the termly reports from the chairs of these committees via the Governor communication tab.  

The Governing Board is also responsible for reviewing the performance of the Headteacher.  This is via performance management, regular headteacher reports to governors, questions and discussion in governing body meetings, review of various monitoring activities, external reviews by school improvement consultants and advisers, and regular meetings with the Chair of Governors.

Governors are very involved in school life.  They make regular visits to monitor the impact of school improvement for our children.   Please see below for a summary of the Board's focus and impact

Annual Governance Statement: