Remote Education and Infection Control
You can access a copy of our revised Remote Learning Policy, which reflects practice by clicking here. (Reviewed January 2025)
The government has made it a national priority that education and childcare settings should continue to operate as normally as possible as we move to ‘Living with Covid’.
Many of the measures that we put into place to manage Covid-19 at Talbot Primary have a benefit for managing other infectious illnesses that tend to occur in schools. These include:
- Hand hygiene
- Good ventilation
- Cleaning
The school’s plans to support these measures are outlined in the Outbreak Management Plan. This outlines how we will operate if there is a significant outbreak of any infectious disease. It is important to note that the response if not just restricted to Covid-19. The plan includes how we will ensure every child, receives the quantity and quality of education and care to which they are normally entitled. Please click here to access this document (reviewed September 2024)
You can also still access the previous Local Authority Covid-19 risk assessment which assesses over 20 separate areas of control and over 140 individual control measures by clicking here.
I am worried about sending my child to school, what can I do? (Please also see the Attendance and Absence page on the School Office tab)
Please continue to discuss these worries with either Mrs Gill, Mr Rivers, Mrs Quinn or Mr Youdan. We know that these discussions have been helpful and reassuring for those most vulnerable within our community. If you have any worries over the break, please email UKHSA have published the following summary guidance which you may find useful.