Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium is a government initiative designed to target resources on those children who are deemed to be from a disadvantaged background. Money is provided for pupils who have been on Free School Meals (FSM) at any point over the past 6 years (Ever 6). Pupil Premium has a value of £1480 per eligible pupil and an additional allocation of £2570 for any children who have been looked after for one day or more. There is also a smaller provision made for children who have a parent in the armed services. The government has not stipulated how the money should be spent, but it is clear that the money should be used to promote strategies, which close the gap between the highest and lowest achieving pupils both academically and socially.
It’s important to know that a child does not need to have a school dinner, but the parents or carers should check to see if they are eligible for free school meals. You can do this by using this .gov.uk checking tool and clicking here.
Since April 2015, we have been able to claim extra Government Funding for some of our children. This is known as Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP). This provides us with an additional £388 for 3 and 4 year old children who have been in care, or adopted from care or whose parents are in receipt of certain benefits. We closely monitor and assess all of our children's progress, and have seen the very positive impact of these additional interventions on those eligible for Early Years Pupil Premium.
At Talbot Primary School, we have high expectations for all our children regardless of their starting points. The investment of pupil premium funding can take many forms and is consistently evaluated to ensure that pupil premium children make at least good progress from their starting points. Essentially, funding is used to ensure our pupil premium children aim high and for the principles of ‘Courage, Truth and Loyalty’ upon which the school is based.
Latest Pupil Premium and Catch Up Fund Reports
- Pupil Premium and Recovery Fund Strategy 2024-25
- Pupil Premium and Recovery Fund Strategy 2023-24
- Pupil Premium and Recovery Fund Strategy 2022-23
Purpose of reporting
- provide an overview of the impact of pupil premium funding is having on our disadvantaged children
- review the actions implemented and the outcomes for each of the investments made
- set out our strategy and explain how we can continue to achieve the best possible outcomes for our disadvantaged children
Need further advice?
Please get in touch with either Mrs Parm Gill (Headteacher) or the School Business Manager, if you would like to know more about how pupil premium funding is spent in school.