Access and deeper learning
Our curriculum design ensures that children with varying academic, social and/or cultural starting points are all able to thrive at Talbot Primary School. This is a result of our consistent, high quality and engaging curriculum. There is a strong focus on key ‘drivers’ and tools which enable access and acceleration for all. Our commitment to Growth Mindsets, Talk Matters and Metacognition ensures that starting points are understood quickly and gaps closed in Vocabulary and Understanding. As a result of our approach, children are actively taught the learning skills they need to access the curriculum (click on the links below for more information). Overall, children are challenged well, understand and aspire to do more - better.
Planning for History, Geography, Art and DT is organised into our ‘Connected Curriculum’ blocks, where connected topics are introduced with a big question and taught alongside one another to give depth to the learning. Additional links are made to other subjects where appropriate - like reading, writing, science and PE - but only where they are directly relevant.
The planning for Reading, Writing, Maths, Computing, Physical Education, Music, Religious and World Views (RWV), Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Modern Foreign Languages (French) is discrete, ensuring that skills are developed deeply; however, there is cross-over where relevant, for example, English topics that relate and add context to the Connected Curriculum blocks are taught in parallel.
The key drivers in our curriculum are that it: aims high, ensures children are ready and able, encouraged to think critically and explore creativity as well as to invest in themselves. In order to secure a high quality curriculum, we also ensure specialist teachers are deployed alongside our class teachers in MfL and PE; this ensures that access, depth and progression are secured in alignment with our curriculum statement.