Reading buddies: Spreading the joy of reading

With Christmas just around the corner, 2GI and 4YR spent a morning together sharing their love of reading before the holidays. This interaction between differing year groups created a supportive learning environment, where curiosity and imagination flourished.  Children from across the two classes paired up and showcased their favourite books with one another. Whether it was stories, poems or information texts, the children enjoyed reading a range of exciting books with one another, as well as learning about the books that interested other children.

It was a delight to see the Year Two children expressing their passion for reading through conversations with older children. This experience taught the children that no matter what age you are; we can become united through literature. The Year Two pupils were able to swap books with several Year Four children, discuss what they liked about their favourite books and see the type of books that had hooked the older children. It certainly opened the eyes of the Year Two children into another world of captivating literature.

In an era dominated by screen time, this initiative stood out as a beacon for traditional literacy values. Year 4 and Year 2 proved that the simple act of reading together can bridge age gaps, nurture a love for literature and sow the seeds for a lifelong appreciation of learning.