Lunchtimes – more than just eating
Reception children enjoyed their school dinners and packed lunches in the KS1 hall, which is much larger than where they are in Nursery. Everyone managed well, and tried lots of different foods, supported by many members of the teaching team and lunchtime supervisory staff.
At Talbot, children get the opportunity to choose their dinners each morning, and then practise getting their own tray and cutlery. They are also encouraged to cut their own food, but are shown how to or helped out if required. The meals, especially fish and chips, were all well received. One boy said ‘I love the school puddings so much I want to cuddle them!’
Eating with cutlery at lunchtime is a great opportunity to practise fine motor skills (and to develop finger strength), which will also help them when it comes to writing stamina and precision.
Finally, lunchtimes in school are a time to talk to friends and practise being social.