Times Tables


It is vital that children know their times tables, and associated division facts, by Year 4. Times tables come into every area of maths, and children who do not have quick access to these facts will find other concepts much more difficult to master. In addition to this, the government has introduced a statutory times table test which every Year 4 child will need to complete. This is due to begin in June 2020.

Any help children receive with their times tables at home will be invaluable. As well as rote testing, it is important that the children can apply their knowledge to different contexts. For example, times tables should be presented with the missing box in different positions of the calculation and not always at the end. As they progress through school, they should also be able to use their know facts to derive other facts such as the multiplication of decimals.

Below are some useful links for practising times tables.

Useful links for parents/carers

Below are a list of websites that your children may find useful for sharpening their times table skills. As well as providing a competitive edge, that children typically find motivating, the instant feedback provided by online tools increases the effectiveness of any time spent revising. Playing a variety of games  can also maintain interest.


Purple Mash (requires user name and password)

Hit the button 

Times table games #1

Times table games #2


Over a period of time, your child will become more confident, which will help them access a wide variety of mathematical problems confidently, such as multiplication, long multiplication, division, long division, equivalent fractions, area, perimeter, ratio and proportion.