Handwriting - Debbie Hepplewhite


All children are expected to write in a joined, legible style, at speed, by the time they leave Year 6. This includes using the correct pencil grip, sitting correctly, accurate letter formation and producing work in a consistent size. Pupils and staff at Talbot use a cursive handwriting font created by Debbie Hepplewhite. This easy-to-use approach has proven successful in developing a consistent, joined style across school. 


More information on the Debbie Hepplewhite website:

This website has instructional videos by Debbie Hepplewhite, that explain her approach to handwriting; she also demonstrates the correct letter formation for her scheme.

Progression in handwriting:

Nursery focus on mark making

Reception focus on pencil grip and initial letter formation

Year 1 perfect letter formation, including lead-ins 

Year 2 once letter size and formation is consistent, many Year 2 pupils will learn their initial joins

Year 3 and 4 continue to be taught to join

Year 5 and 6 refine their handwriting, by developing legibility, speed and stamina. Pupils whose handwriting is under-developed will be sent additional homework to help them catch-up. 





Handwriting pens:

In EYRS and KS1, children write in pencil. In KS2, children re-draft a their writing at the end of each unit. They do this in a blue, handwriting pen. This process allows them to focus on their handwriting, edit out mistakes and make additional improvements to the content (up-leveling)